VB Script to either (1) make different permutations have different confirmation pages, or (2) to make the one confirmation page give different information depending on the different permutations.
<%IF (Request.Form("Citizen") = "no") AND _
(Request.Form("Math") = "yes") AND _
(Request.Form("Accounting") = "no") THEN
Response.Redirect "math.asp"
IF (Request.Form("Citizen")
= "no") AND _
(Request.Form("Math") = "yes") AND _
(Request.Form("Accounting") = "yes") THEN
Response.Redirect "noncitizen.asp"
' If none of the above conditions
apply, then:
Response.Redirect "other.asp"
<% If Request("Citizen")="yes" AND Request("Math")="yes"
AND Request("Accounting")="yes" Then %>
Since you are a US citizen and will be attending both boot camps, you will need
<% End If %>
<% If Request("Citizen")="yes" AND Request("Math")="yes"
AND Request("Accounting")="no" Then %>
Since you are a US citizen and will be attending the Math boot camp but not
the Accounting one, you will need to...
<% End If %>
<% If Request("Citizen")="yes" AND Request("Math")="no"
AND Request("Accounting")="no" Then %>
Since you are a US citizen and will be attending neither boot camps, you will
need to...
<% End If %>
<% If Request("Citizen")="yes" AND Request("Math")="no"
AND Request("Accounting")="yes" Then %>
Since you are a US citizen and will be attending the Accounting boot camp but
not the Math one, you will need to...
<% End If %>
<% If Request("Citizen")="no" AND Request("Math")="yes"
AND Request("Accounting")="yes" Then %>
Since you are not a US citizen and will be attending both boot camps, you will
need to...
<% End If %>
<% If Request("Citizen")="no" AND Request("Math")="yes"
AND Request("Accounting")="no" Then %>
Since you are not a US citizen and will be attending the Math boot camp but
not the Accounting one, you will need to...
<% End If %>
<% If Request("Citizen")="no" AND Request("Math")="no"
AND Request("Accounting")="yes" Then %>
Since you are not a US citizen and will be attending the Accounting boot camp
but not the Math one, you will need to...
<% End If %>
<% If Request("Citizen")="no" AND Request("Math")="no"
AND Request("Accounting")="no" Then %>
Since you are not a US citizen and will be attending neither boot camps, you
will need to...
<% End If %>