Sydney Adventures
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This pattern made from butterfly wings was at an exhibition of Maria Fernanda Cardoso's work called Zoomorphia which was at the Museum of Contemporary Art. 


Matt and I at Lamina, our preferred cafe to meet at on King Street in Newtown. Note the delicious "flat white" (does anyone know of an American equivalent for this?) which I drank every morning I was there.

The Jazz Festival had just started when I arrived in Sydney, and I was surprised to see a big jazz band parade heading right toward me when I was walking around near Darling Harbor. Dig it!
Why am I taking a photo of Americans while I'm in Sydney? I just thought it was bizarre that on the last day I was there, the streets were full of American soldiers in uniform who were going there to vacation after the war in Iraq. It was interesting to see the girls on the street in Kings Cross (the red light district) welcoming them.


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