Conceptual Art

a large gymnasium wall to wall with white sneakers of the same brand and style, except for one pair off of the center (ie not directly in the center) that is black and of a different brand.


A regular store-bought candy bar. under glass.

Performance Art

Title: Snooze

Setting: Bare stage except for a bed and night stand with digital alarm clock and lamp. Lit in a dim light attempting to achieve that of morning sun through a window, but failing.

Action: Every nine minutes the alarm goes off, the sleeper raises his/her
head turns on the lamp looks at the clock for an interval longer than necessary, hits the snooze button, turns off the lamp and goes back to sleep.

Performance length: can vary, but should be at leats nine hours.


In a large city park. Place a movie screen that is at least 10 times as large as a Drive-In screen (the bigger, the better), hopfully filling the entire horizon from most of the park at least. On the screen, project a live feed of what the horizon would look like were the screen not there (i.e. what is going on directly on the other
side of the screen.

Variation: On the screen project the image of the park itself, as if it were a mirror.


Performance Art (political)

In a public location, preferably near city hall or a government building, the performer should stand and be attired as is the image of the Iraqi prisoner with the hood and electrodes as what is called a "Vietnam." Idealy, at least one person should appear outside the capitol and state legislature in each state + outside the White House and Congressional building in D.C.

Duration: To be performed until all U.S. military is withdrawn from Iraq.


A person slowly and meticulously gives themselves a full-detailed manicure. The performer should spend at least 10-20 minutes on each nail, getting it just right. And then move on to the toes...


A person reads the entire dictionary in a monotone voice. Preferably
on a sparse stage with only a spotlight (not blindingly bright).
Variations on this can include: Bilingual Dictionary. Thesauraus. For
extremes: Naked Dictionary (the reader sits naked as they read) and
Oxford English Dictionary.


a male all in black, shirt slightly torn, recites the Kaddish over and over
for every person who has died in _______ (the performer can fill in the
conflict of their choice, natural disasters sort of ruin the political edge). Can also be modified for other religions and, in which case, the gender of the performer and the prayer uttered can be changed as well.



Title: Security breeds mediocrity

Details: Government employee takes picture of their naked arse pressed against their supervisor's keyboard. They post it on their university/office's main website page. They are reprimanded, but not fired. Action is repeated every week for the six months that it takes to get them officially fired. This piece can be extended in duration if excessive red tape and bureaucratic difficulties would allow them to continue the art piece even longer.


Performance Art (nostalgic)

A marble vault is set up that the spectator can peer into. Just below the viewing hole are letters carved into the marble which read "Just Say No." Inside the vault is a small replica of Stonehenge made entirely of hard tofu. In the center of the tofu Stonehenge is a small statue of Ronald Regan. The statue has a mechanical hand which pushes a red button every fifteen minutes. When this button is pushed, small holes are opened which let in ants who eat the tofu. Every alternate fifteen minutes, the button being pushed fills the vault with a pesticide which kills all the ants. The piece continues until either all the tofu is devoured or the entire vault is filled with ant bodies.
